You CAN get paid (good) money to write…
while traveling the world
Even if you have thousands of dollars in debt (and almost no money to invest in a course)
Even if you feel paralyzed by overwhelm (with NO idea where to start)
Even if you think “nahh that’s too good to be true”
To the rebel with itchy feet and an insatiable thirst for freedom...
If you’re anything like me, you already know that you want to be your own boss. To skip the alarm, sleep in till 10 if you feel like it, and work when YOU are most productive.
You wanna have the freedom to take a mental health day when you need it. To visit your friends and family across the country whenever you want to. Or hop on a plane to a wish-list destination whenever your travel bug starts itching.
You dream of nomading around the world. Of spending your afternoons…
Hiking through banana plantations. Sipping freshly-picked coconuts on the beach. Or ziplining through the Costa Rican Jungle
You dream of living somewhere where your money takes you faaaaaar. Where you can stay in a luxury penthouse overlooking the ocean for $500 a month…or spend $1 on mouth-watering pad thai.
You dream of having a sustainable (key word here) income to be able to DO all of that. Of doing something that lights you up inside (so you won’t dread opening up your laptop each day).
Only thing is… you don’t know HOW (’cause let’s be honest…those creative-zapping $15/hour VA jobs on Upwork don’t really cut it).
Well, what if I told you that there’s a way to make those seemingly far-fetched dreams a reality? Without working 50-hour (or even 40-hour) weeks. Without a fancy degree. And without investing thousands of dollars in an online course.
As a freelance copywriter, you don't need to invest much of anything in getting started (other than your time)
You don’t even need a website to land clients (for real).
But…I don’t know the first thing about copywriting…
So copywriting is the process of writing words with the intent to sell something.
Y’know…like those emails you get from your favorite clothing brand. Or those mind-reading Facebook ads that seem to pop up at juuuust the right time. Or…this page you’re reading right now (busted).
Whatever your background is, copywriting is a skill that you CAN learn. If you put in the work. Yes, even if your only job experience to date is assembling Ikea tables on Taskrabbit. Or Lyft driving around town.
‘Cause lemme let you in on a little secret (that college admissions people would kill me for sharing): You don’t even need a college degree to become a copywriter. All you need is a willingness to learn. Really.
Oh and it gets better: As a freelance copywriter, you don’t have to live in just-barely-getting-by mode (as you would with many other types of remote work).
No, no. You can make GOOD money as a copywriter.
Case in point…
I went from making $23/ $110+/hour.
In my first year as a freelance copywriter
True story.
Oh wait. Have I introduced myself? Guess not (whoops).

Hey, I’m Mary! Free spirit & nomad copywriter.
Let’s rewind…
Five years ago, I was working in an office as a proofreader in San Diego, California. San Diego was sunny and surfy and all but my job…didn’t bring much sunshine to my life.
I spent my days holed up in cubicle for 8 hours, reviewing casino marketing material for typos, grammatical errors and extra blank spaces (FUN)
I was making $17/hour, spending half my salary on rent and seriously struggling to make ends meet (let alone pay off my debt).
To add fuel to the fire, I didn’t feel challenged or fulfilled in my job
I dreamed of a career that would use a few more of my brain cells and light a fire inside me – while giving me the freedom to travel the world.
Since I’ve become a freelance copywriter, I’ve landed projects like:
And you wanna know the best part?
I did it all without showing any results, portfolio or testimonials. And without relying on a single referral.
So if you’re thinking I’d love to be a freelance copywriter…and travel the world while paying off my debt. Sounds like a dream come true. But don’t I need experience…or results…or testimonials…or a portfolio to land projects?
Nope. You don’t need any of it.
BUT (another big “but” here) — you do have to a) understand the basics of copywriting and then b) PROVE to the client that you’re worth every dime you’re charging (and then some).
Wanna learn how to do that?
If so, then you’re gonna love what’s coming next.
Fellow copywriter, Abi Prendergast, and I have taken our nomad experience and combined 10+ years of marketing knowledge — along with everything that we’ve learned as freelance copywriters — and poured it all into…
The Nomad Copywriter Starter Kit
A step-by-step guide to becoming a digital nomad copywriter.
Inside, you’ll learn how to master the copywriting basics, land your first clients, and become a digital nomad (even if you aren’t quite sure what “copywriting” means).

K so let's break that down. You'll get...
A 3-in-1 eBook packed with real-life examples
Master the copywriting basics (VALUE: $97)

So you wanna be a copywriter. But you don’t have a clue HOW to write copy.
Don’t worry, we’ll teach you everything you need to know to get started.
Find out:
+ The easiest (and most effective) way to get your copy written FOR you
+ When to use features to sell a product…and when to use benefits
+ How to write copy that makes your prospects want to read every. single. word.
+ How the “barstool test” can help you determine if your copy is conversational enough
+ Examples of good copy (that’ll get ideal prospects to open their wallets)…and bad copy (that’ll make them run for the hills)
Land your first clients (VALUE: $97)

Become a digital nomad (VALUE: $97)

So you’re ready to become a digital nomad huh?
Before packing your bags, find out what we’ve learned from a combined 10+ years of work-and-travel life.
+ A few ways that you can travel without spending a dime on accommodation (and other tips for nomading on a shoestring)
+ How to look professional on client calls (it’s not as simple as just brushing your hair and smiling on camera)
+ Little-known productivity hacks that’ll make sure you get work DONE on the go
+ Best digital nomad destinations for 2022
Get that shit DONE with end-of-module checklists

"I'm already putting into action what I've learned...and it's working!"

Watch how we do it with these never-seen-before video tutorials
Find out the different types of copy you NEED to know
(VALUE: $27)
From landing page to squeeze page to web page…and everything in-between

Watch how I do a copy audit that gets ice-cold prospects EXCITED to work with me
(VALUE: $17)
And how YOU can show prospective clients that you know what you’re talking about…and are worth that premium dollar

See how Abi closes a $2k deal
in 15 minutes
(VALUE: $27)
This 14-minute video will help you shake off those jittery nerves and go into the call confident AF

Create a $40 Facebook ad in just 5 minutes
(VALUE: $37)
Psst: That’s a $480 hourly rate

Start writing copy TODAY with 6 insanely valuable resources
This lil’ PDF will help you craft those swoon-worthy headlines that make your client go “HOW did you come up with this?!”

I’ll share the templates that have gotten me those excited “YES I want to work with you” responses from dream clients and partners who never even knew I existed. Including one cold email template that made me $4200+ (and counting). From a single client.

Could be a little awkward if your client uses a marketing word that you aren’t familiar with and you’re like “huh?”
This phrasebook will help you avoid cringey situations like that and show clients that you know your stuff.

Find out the 35 questions that’ll help you get to know your client’s brand inside and out — and craft the copy that makes them go “did you inhabit my brain or something??”

Run through this checklist after you write copy so you can feel confident that it’ll connect with your readers (and get your client’s stamp of approval).

This list of FREE copywriting resources will help you take your copywriting game to the next level.

Add high-converting ad copy to your arsenal with this nifty FB ads formula.

Get support inside the private Nomad Copywriter Facebook group (VALUE: PRICELESS)

…where you can ask questions, connect with other like-minded humans and get the support you need to hit the ground running
Total value: $563
NOW only $97 $47
(Seriously! All that for just 47 bucks)
"This Starter Kit has given me the confidence to reach out to clients without feeling like a greasy used car salesman"

Take a stroll around inside

Brought to you by two conversion copywriters

My dear friend, Abi Prendergast, is a launch copywriter who has generated multi-six figures for her clients. She’s obsessed with writing sales copy that gets readers leaping off the fence and racing to the checkout page. Abi loves hostel-hopping, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and teaching creative thinkers how to write copy that converts.
Welp, I think I already introduced myself…but lemme give you the skinny. I’m Mary (Blackiston). Conversion copywriter for SaaS and tech companies who aren’t afraid to go against the grain. I’ve been a digital nomad for the last 5 years and a nomad for 10+ years. I love languages, plant-based food and (well, duh) traveling.
We're kiiinda a big deal (*wink wink*)

Tara bought the kit...and her head stopped spinning for the first time in months

"K so tell me Abi and much can I make as a nomad copywriter?"
We’re not gonna sell you on the “get rich quick” thing (although if you find out how to do that, lemme know!).
What we *are* selling here will introduce you to a career that’ll allow you to be your own boss, work from anywhere and scale to the level that YOU want.
Ya see, one of the great things about copywriting is that you can work 10 hours per week, with just enough money to get by…or you can work full-time and bring in $30k a month.
To give you an idea…
Many experienced copywriters charge $2,000+ for their day (which comes out to an hourly rate of $250!). Some copywriters charge double (and even triple) that rate.
Say whaaaaaat?
Seriously. There’s basically no income cap as a copywriter.
But…you obviously can’t charge $2,000 a day right off the bat. I charged $50/hour when I was just starting out as a freelance copywriter. Then slowly raised my rates as I gained more experience and got more training under my belt.
The bare minimum you should charge is $25/hour. As you gain more confidence (and experience), slowly up your rates.
Ben went from $30 blog posts to $750 sales pages (!!)

So if you're dreaming of a life where all you need is a laptop (and a wifi connection) to make money...
A life where there’s no limit to the money you can make and you get to…
Call the shots and set your own rates (instead of begging your boss for a raise)
Work your own hours (and roll outta bed at 10AM or 11AM if you feel like it)
Build something that is all. yours.
Hop on a plane to Indonesia or hell, move to Costa Rica next month just ’cause ya feel like it

Then you’re gonna LOVE what’s inside the Nomad Copywriter Starter Kit.
Questions other curious nomad copywriters had before saying “hell yeah” to a life of location independence and moolah-making
Short answer? YES.
There are SO many nonnative English-speaking copywriters that make a good amazing living writing copy in English (think: $10k+ months).
If you aren’t 100% confident in your English, you could always hire a proofreader or editor on Upwork to review your copy before you send it to the client.
Or…if you prefer to write in your native language, that’s always an option too!
Whatever language you end up writing copy in, this kit will give you the skills you need to nail the copywriting basics, land your first projects and (yup, you guessed it) become a digital nomad.
Yes! So you have pleeeeenty of time to go through everything. And you can refer back to the kit any time you need for a little refresher.
Another plus side to that whole lifetime access thing?
The price of this kit is probably gonna go up soon (nope that’s not some fake urgency tactic…we really mean that). So if you buy now, you can lock in this super low price and continue to get access to the kit as we optimize (and who knows, maybe even add more value-packed resources down the road).
Nope. I live in Spain and Abi lives in England, but most of our clients are in the US.
The beauty of running your own freelance biz is that you get to work when YOU want to. Flexible clients will understand that you aren’t available 24/7 (and if they *do* expect that…RUN. Far, far away).
So long as you can make yourself available for certain hours of the week (to communicate with the client), then it shouldn’t matter if you have a 12-hour time difference or a 2-hour time difference.
Due to the low price of the product and the fact that it’s digital, we don’t give refunds. If you have any questions about the Nomad Copywriter Starter Kit, please feel free to shoot me an email at
There is none (promise). We believe that this bundle is worth at least 5 times that — but we want to make the price accessible for everyone. Even if you have thousands of $$ in debt and no money to invest.
Is the Nomad Copywriter Starter Kit right for you?
Maybe not...
You want to build a lucrative career that will allow you to work from anywhere
You feel burnt out by your current job and are ready to break free from the 9-to-5
You’re looking for a copywriting course for beginners (one that breaks down, step-by-step, how to become a digital nomad copywriter)
❌ You’re looking for a get-rich-quick scheme
❌ You expect to make $300/hour on your very first project (psst: don’t worry, you’ll get there!)
❌ You already know how to become a digital nomad copywriter
Sure, you could keep slogging away at low-paying jobs that barely cover your rent...
OR you could grab the Nomad Copywriter Starter Kit today and get the skills you need to become a moolah-making nomad copywriter and get lifetime access to all of THIS:

114-PAGE 3-in-1 EBOOK
- Master the copywriting basics
- Land your first clients (without experience)
- Become a digital nomad
- The different types of copy you NEED to know
- How to audit copy (so you can show prospective clients that you’re worth that premium dollar)
- How to create a Facebook ad in 5 minutes (the same one that Abi uses to charge $40/ad)
- How to run a sales call (and close the deal) with a potential client
- Headline swipe file
- Cold email templates for landing clients + scoring partnerships
- Essential copywriting phrases
- Client questionnaire
- The “is my copy any good?” checklist
- Copywriting resource list
$97 $47
"This kit breaks it all down into something accessible that I can understand. "