We had used one marketing vendor and our own skills to attempt to generate a steady flow of a certain kind of lead. We were fairly unsuccessful. The vendor charged us almost $20,000 and delivered one lead. Our own efforts were more successful by far, but not consistent.
Mary is very deliberate, professional, and methodical in her process. That process delivered unbelievable results for us where everything else had failed.
Mary got us results beyond what anyone else could deliver and beyond our business's capacity to keep up; and that's just on the trial budget.
We have more leads and more conversions than we'd frankly dreamed possible. I had a discussion with my partner today about expanding our hiring and taking on debt to meet the extra business.
We signed about 15 new cases in one month. A great result would have been 3. A fantastic result would have been 5. These results are on track to change our business completely.